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 I Chron. 23:13 


817 W. Pioneer Parkway, Suite 122

Grand Prairie, TX 75051

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1.888.568.8880; 1.972.697.6044


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                                     THE ENCOUNTER

NACEDRAM Annual Conference is the gathering of all christians, evangelical film lovers and specifically  Christian Drama and Film Ministers all over the United States of America, Canada and the Carribean Countries. September 24th 2011 - The North American Conference of Evangelical Drama and Film Ministers (NACEDRAM) was inaugurated in Arlington Dallas. That year the theme was "God's Battle Axe". The association was set out under the mighty hand of the Holy Spirit as part of God's last tool (axe) to root out every evil that modern day movies has done to our community and society and help fish out men with like passion who would take a part in populating our society with faith and family movies that teaches christ-centered and moral virtues.  


A year later the 2nd conference of NACEDRAM witnessed a great outpouring of the Holy Ghost during the conference taged "Rivers in the Desert" held in Houston, TX. The lord extended NACEDRAM to three zones and four states in the US. The release of the maiden movie of NACEDRAM, titled "CRITICAL CHOICE" sent jolts and spiritual tremors to all christians and non-christians alike. The impact has not stopped.


NACEDRAM 2013 was held in Baltimore, Maryland, tagged "Beyond Boundaries". The power of the Holy Spirit descended as drama and film ministers from all over gathered to be blessed immensely under the impactful teaching of Rev. Moses Rahman Popoola, Pastor Tunde Badru, Evang. Mike Bamiloye and many others.


By the grace of God, NACEDRAM 2014 will be the 4th year anniversary of NACEDRAM celebrating an in-gathering of believers who are ready to get serious with God and go all the way to become part of this great vision. On the 4th-6th of September 2014, drama and film ministers will be gathering from all over to Dallas, TX for another season of Grace in the presence of the Lord. This years conference is tagged "SET APART". Are you a Pastor who desire a more reaching impact of Christian Drama and Film ministry in your church - you can send all your existing and intending drama members to this event. All christians, ministry leaders, Pastors and film makers & lovers are invited to be part of this great gathering. We shall also preview clips of the latest and coming movies of NACEDRAM Film Ministers.

                                                RETREAT MINISTRATIONS

Over the last three years these meetings have become a re-gathering fellowship and solemn retreat for all ministers of God and Christian generally, especially busy Christian Drama and Film Ministers and other evangelical film-loving christians. We have seen heaven opened and the spirit of the Lord descending to re-kindle visions, re-create ministries and re-mould destinies. We believe that this gathering will come with a double-fold power and grace to release and unleash fresh vessels into this great harvest field as we cross over into a new glory and transition into our divine purpose.

                                                 ENRICHING SEMINARS

With seasoned men and women of God handling specialized topics ranging from our christian lifestyle to ministerial lifestyle and calling. Also included are focus areas to teach on developing heart-touching christian stories, writting the script and the journey to getting the script to screen.  Come and be part of these exciting moments of learning, fun and fellowship.


We encourage all Pastors to not only send their drama members but all workers in the vineyard of the Lord for a re-kindling of their passion and vision for better clarity, new purpose and new determination to serve and surrender under the mighty hand of God the father.



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